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학술지명 : Cell Death Differ.

주저자 : 김옥희, 오병철
게재일자 : 2022-07-01
과제 또는 장비 : 장비
제목 : Externalized phosphatidylinositides on apoptotic cells are eat-me signals recognized by CD14.
저자 : 강근형, 허준, 이진욱, 정윤재, 홍인선, 이후근, 서승용, 이대호, 이철순, 이인규, Susan Bonner-Weir, 이종순, 박영주, 김현진, Steven E. Shoelson
IF : 15.828

Apoptotic cells are rapidly engulfed and removed by phagocytes after displaying cell surface eat-me signals. Among many phospholipids, only phosphatidylserine (PS) is known to act as an eat-me signal on apoptotic cells. Using unbiased proteomics, we identified externalized phosphatidylinositides (PIPs) as apoptotic eat-me signals recognized by CD14+ phagocytes. Exofacial PIPs on the surfaces of early and late-apoptotic cells were observed in patches and blebs using anti-PI(3,4,5)P3 antibody, AKT- and PLCδ PHdomains, and CD14 protein. Phagocytosis of apoptotic cells was blocked either by masking exofacial PIPs or by CD14 knockout in phagocytes. We further confirmed that exofacial PIP+ thymocytes increased dramatically after in vivo irradiation and that exofacial PIP+ cells represented more significant populations in tissues of Cd14−/− than WT mice, especially after induction of apoptosis. Our findings reveal exofacial PIPs to be previously unknown cell death signals recognized by CD14+ phagocytes.