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과제/장비/학술대회 제목 저자 학술지명 게재일자 IF
장비 The protective roles of integrin α4β7 and Amphiregulin expressing innate lymphoid cells in lupus nephritis. 류승원, 김혜영
김경아, 김진우, 이동훈, 배용수, 이하정, 김병철,
Cellular & Molecular Immunology 2024-06-04 24.1
학술대회 Lactate feeding ameliorate ab-induced neurotoxicity through improving dysregulated energy metabolism in SH-SY5Y cells 장예원, 김일영
김희주, 박아론, 로진호, 남승윤, George A Brooks, Rober R Wolfe
학회: KSBMB Korean Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 2024-05-28
과제 Extracellular Vesicles from Ecklonia cava and Phlorotannin Promote Rejuvenation in Aged Skin Batsukh Sosorburam, 변경희
오세연, 이지민, 주 주디 홍진, 손국희
marine drugs 2024-05-15 4.9
과제 Predicting Brain Age and Gender from Brain Volume Data Using Variational Quantum Circuits 전영재, 백현만
brain science 2024-04-19 3.3
과제 CK2α-mediated phosphorylation of GRP94 facilitates the metastatic cascade in triple-negative breast cancer 김혜연, 홍선택
CDD press 2024-04-11 12.4
과제 Co-Treatment with Phlorotannin and Extracellular Vesicles from Ecklonia cava Inhibits UV-Induced Melanogenesis 변경아, 변경희
박영진, 오세연, 바슉 소소부람, 손국희
antioxidants 2024-03-28 7.0
과제 Radiofrequency Treatment Attenuates Age-Related Changes in Dermal–Epidermal Junctions of Animal Skin 변경아, 변경희
김형문, 오세연, 바슉 소소부람, 손국희,
International Journal of Molecular Science 2024-03-09 5.6
장비 Graphislactone A, a Fungal Antioxidant Metabolite, Reduces Lipogenesis and Protects against Diet-Induced Hepatic Steatosis in Mice 이연미, 이희영
장혜림, 이동진, 이종준, 정해림, 초성엽
International Journal of Molecular Science 2024-01-16 5.6