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과제/장비/학술대회 제목 저자 학술지명 게재일자 IF
과제번호 Rice Germ Ameliorated Chronic Unpredictable Mild Stress-Induced Depressive-like Behavior by Reducing Neuroinflammation 바슈 소소부람, 변경희
오세연, 류경민, 이배진, 박철현, 손국희
nutrients 2022-12-18 7.419
장비 LPA/LPAR1 signaling induces PGAM1 expression via AKT/mTOR/HIF-1α pathway and increases aerobic glycolysis, contributing to keratinocyte proliferation 김동희, 전희숙
Phyu Phyu Khin, 임오경
Life Science 2022-11-13 6.78
장비 Prevention of LPS‐Induced Acute Kidney Injury in Mice by Bavachin and Its Potential Mechanisms 반가윤, 전희숙
남가영, 김동희, 오윤신
antioxidants 2022-10-21 7.675
장비 Lysophosphatidic Acid Promotes Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition in Kidney Epithelial Cells via the LPAR1/MAPK-AKT/KLF5 Signaling Pathway in Diabetic Nephropathy 이근호, 전희숙
전자연, 김동희
Int J Mol Sci 2022-09-10 6.208
장비 High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound Induces Adipogenesis via Control of Cilia in Adipose-Derived Stem Cells in Subcutaneous Adipose Tissue 오세연, 변경희
김형문, Batsukh Sosorburam, 선혜진, 김태휘, 강동환, 손국희
Molecules 2022-09-09 4.927
장비 Ecklonia cava extracts decrease hypertension-related vascular calcification by modulating PGC-1α and SOD2 변경아, 변경희
오세연, 양진영, 이소영, 손국희
Biomed Pharmacother 2022-09-08 6.529
장비 The Combination of Niacinamide, Vitamin C, and PDRN Mitigates Melanogenesis by Modulating Nicotinamide Nucleotide Transhydrogenase 박현준, 변경희
변경아, 오세연, 김형문, 정문석, 손국희
Int J Mol Sci 2022-08-02 6.208
장비 Externalized phosphatidylinositides on apoptotic cells are eat-me signals recognized by CD14. 김옥희, 오병철
강근형, 허준, 이진욱, 정윤재, 홍인선, 이후근, 서승용, 이대호, 이철순, 이인규, Susan Bonner-Weir, 이종순, 박영주, 김현진, Steven E. Shoelson
Cell Death Differ. 2022-07-01 15.828
장비 Bicistronic reporter mice for monitoring of Fgf21 expression Puong Thi Anh Pham
Sabin Lee, Young Jae Lee
Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 2022-06-17 3.575
장비 Inhibition of ChREBP ubiquitination via the ROS/Akt-dependent downregulation of Smurf2 contributes to lysophosphatidic acid-induced fbrosis in renal mesangial cells 김동희
남가영, 서은희, 전희숙
Journal of Biomedical Science 2022-05-10 8.410
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